Nature's Logic News | Nature's Logic


“Jump online and research businesses. The Nature’s Logic website is filled with earth-friendly seals, awards and accreditations the company’s earned.”

5 Ways Your Cat Can Go Green

Sept/Oct 2022

Green circular badge with laurel wreaths says "Top 50 - Real Leaders Eco Innovation - Awards".

Real Leaders Magazine

Nature’s Logic lands at #11 on top 50 eco innovators list for implementing Certified Plastic Neutral packaging.

Eco-Award Winners

July 5, 2022

Discover Magazine

Nature’s Logic Canine Chicken Meal Feast makes the line up of 25 best dog foods of the year, due to 100% natural ingredients with no synthetic vitamins or minerals.

June 9, 2022

Pet Business

Pet Business talks with leading sustainability-focused pet food brands like Nature’s Logic about what they are doing to lessen their impact on the planet, while making sure our pets get the nutrition they need.

An Appetite for Eco-Friendly Nutrition

June 1, 2022

Dogster logo with slogan For the Love of dog.


Nature’s Logic sustainability efforts are featured in Dogster Magazine as it delves into what pet food brands are doing to make their products and packaging more planet-friendly.

Go Green with Environmentally Friendly Dog Foods

March, 2022

Pet Age brand logo banner.

Pet Age

Nature’s Logic talks about customer demands for sustainable sourcing, packaging and more.

Pet Food Brands Take Different Routes to Meet Nutritional Needs

March 1, 2022

Self Magazine

Nature’s Logic makes the list thanks to offering “all the nutrients your pup needs come from the meats, veggies, and fruits that make up the brand’s tasty recipes” without the use of synthetic vitamins or minerals.

9 of the Best Dog Foods, According to Vets

February 11, 2022

Dogster logo with slogan For the Love of dog.


Our new Lightly Cooked Frozen diets featured in July issue of Dogster Magazine and online.

July, 2021

Pet Business logo with slogan "Educating pet retailers for 40 years".

Nature’s Logic CEO’s Advice to Retailers on Sustainability

Nature’s Logic CEO shares information about how to create and implement a sustainability program. First and foremost: you don’t have to go at it alone. He reviews the array of options and assistance already available to help retailers be more sustainable right now.

Defining Your Sustainable Business

June 1, 2021

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Pet Age brand logo banner.
Pet Product News banner.

Nature’s Logic and eShipping Achieve Carbon Neutral Distribution 

Trade and business media were eager to cover the news that Nature’s Logic and its 3PL partner, eShipping, have achieved carbon neutral distribution for Nature’s Logic products. While many brands are simply announcing their goals in this area, Nature’s Logic and eShipping are proud to have accomplished this goal.

Pet Helpful

Pet care site Pet Helpful provides a round up on foods that have never been recalled and provide an abundance of heart-healthy taurine to help pups avoid issues with DCM and other heart problems.

5 Dog Foods that Have Never Been Recalled and Won’t Put Your Dog at Risk of Heart Disease

May 25, 2021

Elephant Journal

Elephant Journal, a hip site targeting more than 235,000 millennials a month, featured Nature’s Logic and its 100% natural, NO synthetics benefits. The article was widely promoted on the Elephant Journal web site, social channels and e-newsletters, inviting readers to sign up for a free bag of Nature’s Logic Distinction.

Pet Parents: If you’re making Multiple Trips to the Vet, this might be Why

May 16, 2021


Forbes, with more than 30 million readers per month, asks tough questions about pet food sustainability and Nature’s Logic CEO David Yaskulka’s gives his honest answers.

Sustainable Pet Sector Struggles with its Meat Problem

May 16, 2021

Chief Executive Magazine

Nature’s Logic CEO Talks Sustainability with Chief Executive Magazine Chief Executive magazine invited David Yaskulka, CEO to share best practices for sustainability with its nearly 50,000 executive level readers who span across industries. The story was republished on SmartBrief, which reaches 300,000 business executives.

Can the Tail Wag the Dog for Corporate Sustainability?

April 27, 2021


Leading climate and environmental web site, Grist, shared the topic of synthetic vitamins in pet food with its 209K envrionmentally-minded readers. The story explored the similarities between the use of supplemental vitamins for humans with that of pets, illustrating how Nature’s Logic 100% natural with no synthetics is not only possible but recommended for bioavailability and overall health.

Are Nutritional Supplements the Best Choice for People, Their Pets, and the Planet?

March 3, 2021

Modern Cat

Modern Cat features Nature’s Logic treats as a great, 100% natural and meaty way to reward you favorite feline.

Healthy Paws Fall & Winter

Fall/Winter 2021

Mind Body Green

Mind, Body, Green, one of the leading media platforms for mindful living, included Nature’s Logic in an article helping its more than 740K monthly readers be more eco-minded pet parents. 100% natural pet food, packaged with Certified Plastic Neutral bags made with 100% renewable electricity topped their list of ways to be more eco-friendly when shopping for your pet.

3 Easy Ways to Become a More Eco-Minded Pet Parent

February 8, 2021

Pet Product News banner.

Nature’s Logic Membership in ASBC Gains Media Attention

Nature’s Logic announced via press release that it was the first pet food brand to join the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC). The release was distributed over the newswire, resulting in 137 outlet pick-ups with an audience of 113M including outlets like Environmental Leader, the Circular Economy and Pet Product News, as well as garnering robust attention on social media.

Nature’s Logic Environmental Survey Gets Widespread Coverage 

A recent OnePoll survey, commissioned by Nature’s Logic, revealed people’s attitudes towards climate change and environmental concerns that currently need the most attention. Out of the 2,000 people who responded, 3 out of 4 said they are taking steps to improve their environmental impact. Of the pet owners surveyed, the majority said they would like to feed their pets an all-natural diet, free of synthetic ingredients. Pet owners also cited various environmental activities that would make them choose one retailer over another, including: a store recycling program, a store powered by renewable energy, a store that supports local environmental groups and more. The survey was picked up by more than 100 local and national outlets across the globe including Yahoo! MSN, NBC, Fox and more.
Nature’s Logic Featured by Leading Environmental Influencers

Nature’s Logic made the list – the nice list, that is! Several leading environmental influencers featured Nature’s Logic during their holiday “sustainable gift” coverage.

Kathryn Kellogg (@gozerowaste)
Going Zero Waste – 20 Gift Ideas for Conscious Consumers

Jessica Clifton (@impactforgood)

Krist Yu
Video – Sustainable Christmas Gift Guide


Leading Environmental Site Grist Features Nature’s Logic Certified Plastic Neutral Initiative, a leading environmental media outlet, featured Nature’s Logic’s partnership with RePurpose and the Certified Plastic Neutral program. The story was highly popular on the web site and garnered 5.3K likes and 635 shares.

A Plastic Neutral Plan the Buys the Planet Some Time and Innovation


Clean Food, Clean Energy Wins Best Campaign of 2020 

Pet Business names Nature’s Logic Clean Food, Clean Energy campaign the Best Consumer Campaign of 2020 in its industry recognition awards. For every pound of its clean, 100% natural pet food Nature’s Logic sells, the company purchases 1 kWh of renewable energy to help power the future.

Pet Business Best of 2020


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Pet Product News Names Distinction an Editor’s Choice Award Finalist

Nature’s Logic Distinction Grain-Free is named Pet Product News Editors’ Choice Award 2020 finalist. Among the year’s “best new products,” which “are most worthy of sitting on your store’s shelves?”  We are honored to be featured. Winners are announced in early 2021.

Editors Choice Awards Finalists


Pet Age brand logo banner.

Pet Age Honors Nature’s Logic CEO with Icon Award

PetPet Age Magazine honored Nature’s Logic CEO David Yaskulka with an Icon Award recognizing “the leaders who are driving our industry.” Past Icon Award winners include chief executives of Earth Animal, Natural Balance, WorldWise, Southeast Pet, Pet Industry Distributor Association, KONG, World Pet Association, American Pet Products Association, Mars Petcare, Pet Living with Kristen Levine.

Three of Yaskulka’s interview answers:

  1. What do you feel is your biggest contribution to the pet business and/or pet owners?

Showing how exemplary corporate social responsibility is good for business.

  1. How would you describe your leadership style and how has it shaped your success?

At Nature’s Logic, I’m blessed to work with people who know much more than I do. I try to make sure their hard work helps create the world they want for themselves, their children and their community.

  1. What is the biggest issue that needs more attention from the pet industry?


Pet Age 2020 Icon Award Winners


Pet Age brand logo banner.

Pet Food Brands Deliver What Consumers Want

Nature’s Logic was featured by Pet Age magazine as one of the top brands “delivering what consumers want.”


Nature's Logic logo

PR Wires Share Nature’s Logic Inc 5000 and Sustainability Top-20 Awards

Over 140 news outlets reaching up to 110 million viewers shared Nature’s Logic’s announcement of two national awards — being named to the Inc. 5000 list of America’s fastest-growing companies (ranked #251 in Consumer Products and Programs), and the Top-20 Positive Impact Companies for sustainability by the Pet Sustainability Coalition.

Outlets included PR Newswire, Yahoo Finance, MarketWatch, Morningstar, 40 newspapers, and dozens of ABC, NBC and CBS affiliates.


Little Miss Flint Wins Nature’s Voice Award

13 year old media darling, sustainability advocate and future presidential candidate Mari Copeny, known as Little Miss Flint, was recognized with a Nature’s Voice Award, sponsored by Nature’s Logic. The award was covered by MLive.


Pet Product News banner.
Pet Business logo with slogan "Educating pet retailers for 40 years".

Nature’s Logic and Launch Nature’s Voice Awards

The inaugural Awards aim to amplify the voice and impact of sustainability advocates across the globe — seeking exceptional voices for nature from individuals, nonprofits and businesses across all categories, including pet and animal welfare.


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PSC Names Top-20 Most Sustainable Pet Brands

Nature’s Logic is proud to be named one of the top-20 pet brands for sustainability, based on a large rigorous set of verified metrics aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 


Nature’s Logic Named to Inc. 5000, America’s Fastest Growing Companies

Nature’s Logic™ was named to the Inc. 5000 List of America’s fastest-growing privately held companies, ranking #251 in Consumer Products & Services. This puts Nature’s Logic in impressive company, joining Intuit, Zappos, Under Armour, Microsoft, Jamba Juice, Timberland, Clif Bar, Pandora, Patagonia, Oracle and other notable Inc. 5000 List alumni.

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Pet Age brand logo banner.

Nature’s Logic Expands Marketing Team, Names Golon VP

Nature’s Logic has multiplied its marketing team, and appointed industry leader Caroline Golon Vice President, Marketing. Golon is focused on growing Nature’s Logic through unique consumer campaigns and retailer support. To further promote retailers’ curbside and home delivery programs, and Nature’s Logic’s mission of environmental sustainability, the brand has added new marketing team members who are industry experts in social media, web development and design, digital design & packaging and public relations. “We’re funneling the profits from our growth into marketing,” said CEO David Yaskulka.


Award badge for Nature's Logic ranking in the Pet Sustainability Coalition Top 20.
Pet Product News banner.
Pet Food Processing logo. brand banner.

Nature’s Logic Named a Top-20 Most Sustainability Pet Business

Nature’s Logic’s was named one of the Top 20 Most Sustainable Brands in its industry by the Pet Sustainability Coalition. PSC honors the pet industry’s 20 most sustainable brands based on a rigorous set of metrics – ranging from use of renewable energy to how a company treats their employees — verified by PSC’s experts, and aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


“Eat Your Vitamins” Nutritionist Promotes Nature’s Logic

Mascha Davis, the human nutritionist, media favorite and author of Eat Your Vitamins promoted the pet food that most closely matches her nutritional philosophy. 


Nala Cat Promotes Nature’s Voice Awards

The most famous cat on Instagram promoted the Nature’s Voice Awards, sponsored by Nature’s Logic, to her 10 million social followers.


Nature's Logic logo

Nature’s Logic Distinction Trial Coupon Goes Viral

Only redeemable at independent brick and mortar retail, the coupon was promoted in Mother Earth News, Natural Awakenings, and dozens of additional sites, yielding tens of thousands of downloads.


Dogster logo with slogan For the Love of dog.

Dogster Offers Free Bag of Distinction 

Multi-channel campaign promotes a free 1 lb. bag of Nature’s Logic Distinction ($6.49 retail), only redeemable at independent pet specialty stores to Dogster’s 160,000 subscribers and millions of online viewers. 


Mother Earth News Offers Free Bag of Distinction

Offered to Mother Earth’s 2.5 million Facebook followers. “Nature’s Logic is a 100% natural dog food with NO synthetic vitamins. For every lb you buy, we buy 1 kWh of renewable energy! Try a FREE bag!”


Why 99% of Dog Food is Fake (Except Nature’s Logic!)

“A synthetic vitamin is a fraction of what is in a naturally occuring vitamin. It’s missing the important cofactors that make it work. And research on synthetic vitamins shows this to be true… clearly, synthetic vitamins don’t do the job we think they do.

But if your dog eats kibble, he relies on those synthetic vitamins for most of his nutrition.”


“Nature’s Logic® is creating a better planet, one batch of pet food at a time”

Animal Wellness magazine ran this article, sayingLooking for a pet food company that’s committed to the health of the planet? Nature’s Logic® has changed the industry and continues championing environmental sustainability. “


Pet Product News banner.

Nature’s Logic Partners with eTailPet to Help Independent Stores

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, eTailPet, which helps neighborhood pet stores create comprehensive online storefronts, has started an initiative to join forces with industry vendors to support independent pet retailers.


Dogster logo with slogan For the Love of dog.

Dogster Says Your Dog Can Go Green with Nature’s Logic

“Nature’s Logic’s mission is to apply the logic of nature to everything we touch, which means creating all-natural nutrition for pets from whole foods and being a voice for sustainability. Our pet food line is 100% natural with no synthetic vitamins.”


Sustainable Brands Recognizes Nature’s Logic for Certified Plastic Neutral

Nature’s Logic featured as one of the first three brands. “A new paradigm for sustainable packaging is making waves within the consumer goods industry. Plastic neutrality — the concept of measuring, reducing and offsetting a company’s unique plastic footprint — is enabling companies large and small to assess their plastic emissions, set up an incentive structure that rewards future footprint reductions, and take action today by financing the removal of as much nature-bound plastic waste as their supply chains create.”


Veterinary Journal Covers Nature’s Logic Grain-Free

Innovative Veterinary Care journal covers Nature’s Logic’s “natural, logical approach to grain-free nutrition.”


Animal Wellness: A Natural, Logical Approach to Grain-Free Nutrition

“If you have a pet who requires a grain-free diet, here are three things you can look for in a food: 100% natural with NO synthetics, high in animal protein, no high-glycemic substitutes.”

A Natural, Logical Approach to Grain-Free Nutrition


Nature’s Logic Promotes World Oceans Day

Nature’s Logic is proud to participate in removing plastic from the ocean in celebration of
World Oceans Day. We boosted our message to The Ocean Cleanup, Environmental Defense Fund, Natural Resources Defense Council, Ocean Conservancy, Surfrider Foundation or The Nature Conservancy


PetInsight Logo with Boxer lying down next to the text 'timely insights, growth driving results'.

Pet Insight: Q&A with Nature’s Logic CEO David Yaskulka

“I was very excited to join Nature’s Logic because it’s made with 100 percent natural food with no synthetic vitamins which I believe is part of what is next for pets. Nature’s Logic doesn’t say that using a synthetic vitamin pack in our food is bad—I grew up taking One a Day vitamins, but as I studied nutrition, I came to believe that One a Day vitamins are good, but if I could get all of my nutrition from food rather than synthetic vitamins, it’s even better.”


Pet Business logo with slogan "Educating pet retailers for 40 years".

Pet Business Sustainability Cover Story Features Nature’s Logic

“At the end of the day, by investing in sustainability, we’re investing in our future. According to Nature’s Logic CEO Yaskulka, ‘first and foremost, we owe it to our children and our children’s children.’”

June 2020

Nature’s Logic “Living Earth Day Everyday”

“The company’s recipes are all natural, avoiding the synthetic vitamin industry and reducing their impact on the environment. They use 100% natural energy to power their headquarters, make their kibble and manufacture their kibble bags.”


Nature’s Logic Promotes Shop Local Curbside and Delivery

We were proud to suspend our normal advertising as retailers changed their business model around the country, and use our budget to promote their Shop Local curbside or delivery messages with geo-targeted posts. 

April-May 2020

Free the Ocean Millennials Try Nature’s Logic

Nature’s Logic is proud to be a founding sponsor of Free the Ocean, a millennial-run community of environmentalists devoted to removing plastic from the ocean – and trying Nature’s Logic’s free bag of Distinction. 

February 2020 – present

Refinery29 Features Nature’s Logic Raw as Best Raw Diet

Refinery29 Nature’s Logic Raw Frozen as one of their choices in their “Best High Quality Dog Food Brands” round up. The site, which reaches more than 4.25 million consumers each month, featured an enthusiastic customer;

“I have served my Mini-Poo Nature’s Logic canned food for several years now with good success, along with another brand of raw frozen food. But, this raw formula puts the other brand to shame because my 10-year-old dog is now playing like a 4-year-old! So much energy, a healthier coat, brighter eyes — what a difference. And he absolutely LOVES both the chicken and the beef!” – RTVGal2, Chewy Reviewer

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